miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016


Read the text and answer the questions.




If you love toys, real toys,we have some very interesting information for you. Our museum, which is located next to the cathedral, contains dolls, dolls' houses, books, games and pastimes, mechanical and constructional toys.We have a collection of toys made by a wide variety of toy manufacturers, from the most important to the smallest, including the most ordinary toys and the most precious.

We also have records of children's pastimes over the last hundred and fifty years. The manufacture of toys was a major industry in Europe in the previous century, especially in France and Germany, where millions of toys were produced each year. In fact, the second half of the nineteenth century is considered by many collectors of toys to be the best period for toy production, and we have many examples of toys from this period which are still in perfect condition. Toys of the 1920s and 1930s are also now gaining in interest, and as a consequence, the museum has begun to build up a collection from these years.

So, come and visit us, we would love to see you! Our opening hours are from 10.00-17.30 every day (except December 25 and 26),and you will find that someone is always available to answer questions. See you soon.


1 - This writing is from ...
  • (A) a school history book.
  • (B) an advertisement.
  • (C) a storybook.
2 - What is the writer trying to do?
  • (A) To give advice.
  • (B) To give information.
  • (C) To give opinions.
3 - The museum has so many toys from the late 19th century because ...
  • (A) it is located in the middle of town.
  • (B) This was the best period for making toys.
  • (C) visitors are interested in toys from that time.
4 - What period of toy manufacturing is receiving increased attention?
  • (A) The 1920s and 1930s.
  • (B) Every day except in December.
  • (C) The 20th century.
5 - Which of the following advertisements would you find outside the Toy Museum?
  • (A) An exhibition of indoor games - 1890 to 1940.
  • (B) Toys of Ancient Civilizations.
  • (C) Childrens Clothes from 1600 to 1900.



martes, 12 de abril de 2016


Put in pairs, and you have to speak with your partner about your favourite film.

 If you want it, you could use this guide:
  • Which is your favourite film?
  • Who is the main actor? Who is the main actress?
  • What is the film about?
  • When the film was made?
  • Who is the director?
  • What kind of film it is?
  • Why do you like it?
  • When did you see for first time? 

Here is vocabulary about films, it could be useful for the activity.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016


In this activity you have to describe your last holiday.

You could use these points as a guide to do the activity:
  • Where did you go?
  • What did you do?
  • When did you go?
  • What did you eat?
  • Which activities did you do?
  • Describe your daily routine on holidays

     Download the Word document and describe your holidays!!



    Do the crossword writing the name of the profession that appears on the left. Professions



    Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
    4    5           

    Adele - Hello

    Listen the song and fill the gaps. The answers are in the link in the bottom of the post.

    Hello, it's me
    I was _________ if after all these ____
    You'd like to meet, to go over __________
    They say that time's supposed to ____ ya
    But I ain't done much healing

    Hello, can you ___ me?
    I'm in California ______ about who we used to be
    When we were _______ and ___
    I've _________ how it felt before the ____ fell at our feet

    There's such a ___________ between us
    And a ______ miles

    Hello from the other ____
    I must've called a _________ times to tell you
    I'm sorry, for ___________ that I've done
    But when I call you never ____ to be _____

    Hello from the outside
    At _____ I can say that I've _____ to tell you
    I'm sorry, for _______ your _____
    But it don't _____, it clearly doesn't tear you apart ________

    Hello, ___ are you?
    It's so typical of me to talk about ______
    I'm sorry, I hope that you're well
    Did you ever _____it out of that ____
    ______ nothing ever happened?

    It's no secret
    That the both of us are _____ out of time

    So hello from the other ____
    I must've called a _______ times to tell you
    I'm ___, for _____________ that I've done
    But when I call you never ____ to be ______

    Hello from the outside
    At _____ I can say that I've ____ to tell you
    I'm sorry, for ________ your _____
    But it don't _____, it clearly doesn't tear you apart ________

    Ooooohh, anymore
    Ooooohh, anymore
    Ooooohh, anymore

    Hello from the other ____
    I must've called a __________ times to tell you
    I'm ___, for everything that I've done
    But when I call you never _____ to be ____

    Hello from the outside
    At ____ I can say that I've ______ to tell you
    I'm sorry, for _________ your _____
    But it don't _____, it clearly doesn't tear you apart _______

