lunes, 11 de abril de 2016


In this activity you have to describe your last holiday.

You could use these points as a guide to do the activity:
  • Where did you go?
  • What did you do?
  • When did you go?
  • What did you eat?
  • Which activities did you do?
  • Describe your daily routine on holidays

     Download the Word document and describe your holidays!!

    4 comentarios:

    1. Hello Mikel!

      In the first place I want to congratulate for your blog. I have been reading it with attention. It seems to me the blog includes useful and interesting resources. As well as that, you use a clear language to explain the different activities and you have organized the information in a simple and familiar way.
      About this activity in particular, I like because we can work different skills such as, speaking or writing. Also, describing our last holidays will allow students to practice grammar like simple past and vocabulary related to daily routine, free time activities, hobbies, weather, place and so on.

      Excellent work!

      1. I agree with you.

        The aim of this blog is to share different activities for our students, so they have to be useful for them.

        Thanks for your visit!! :)

    2. Hi Mikel,

      I think this activity is a great idea for the students to practice their speaking and writing skills.
      Holidays is always a nice subject to talk about!

      1. The aim of the activity is to practice writing skills, but the "Holidays" topic could be used on a speaking activity too, why not?

        Thanks for your visit!
