martes, 12 de abril de 2016


Put in pairs, and you have to speak with your partner about your favourite film.

 If you want it, you could use this guide:
  • Which is your favourite film?
  • Who is the main actor? Who is the main actress?
  • What is the film about?
  • When the film was made?
  • Who is the director?
  • What kind of film it is?
  • Why do you like it?
  • When did you see for first time? 

Here is vocabulary about films, it could be useful for the activity.

5 comentarios:

  1. I like a lot your activity. I think they will be very interested in it because they love going to the cinema, and the vocabulary it will be useful.

    1. I agree. I think a lof of people love going to the cinema, so the topic is well chosen.

      Thanks for your visit!

  2. I quite like this activity as I love watching films and, I guess it could be a good activity in order to learn how to express when they have to say something easy about theirself. Thank you.

  3. Hi Mikel!!
    Nowadays all children like cinema and different kind of films!! The other day did a very similar activity in class and have to say it was fun. Children can express all kinds of words and I think a very good idea to give the vocabulary. This way they can discuss many topics more and talk of many movies , maybe Disney films or Star Wars!!

    Very good activity congratulations !!

  4. Through this activity you can do two important tasks. On the one hand you do speaking activity which makes students interact and practise the oral part. On the other hand you revise the use of "wh-" questions. These are always useful to help students in their written activities, such as simple compositions or plannned writings. So, I thing it is an interesting and useful activity and it can be adapted at different levels. With the vocabulary related to cinema you also work a third aspect which is complementary. So, at the end, students will have practised grammar, speaking and vocabulary.
